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Friday, March 18, 2011


Posted by world window On 2:50 PM No comments

Diamond has various functions both in mengeboran, cutting tools, and jewelry. But is not it that makes diamond / diamond become so valuable. Genuine diamond becomes valuable because there are rare and difficult to obtain.
It is useful to remember when you're faced with obstacles / problems. Obstacles to give value for what you want to accomplish. The more difficult the achievement, the more valuable results.
Diamonds are expensive because you have to dig so deep and difficult - to find it. If only diamonds scattered them on the ground, certainly not a diamond so precious. Maybe even you have to PAY someone to dispose of as garbage.
Similarly, with the achievement. The things lightly, who just need a little effort - usually of low value or no value. To create something of high value, you have to overcome challenges that are also high.
Whether you're digging diamonds, or being scooped trash ...? Measure the value of the challenge. Because it is a true value.


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