1. BRIEF HISTORY Eel is a species of freshwater fish consumption with a round body shape elongated dorsal and only has a sleek body. Eels prefer children eat little fish. Usually living in rice fields, in rawa-rawa/lumpur and at times a small-time. In Indonesia since 1979, eel becoming known and liked, until now much cultivated eel and become one export commodity. 2. FISHERIES CENTER International eel fishery centers centralized in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, France and Malaysia. While the eel fishery centers in Indonesia are in Yogyakarta and West Java area. In other regions new a shelter-eel eels caught from the wild or as post shelter. 3. TYPE Classification eel is as follows: Class: Pisces Subclass: Teleostei Order: Synbranchoidae Family: Synbranchidae Genus: Synbranchus Species: bengalensis Synbranchus Mc clell (swamp eel); Monopterus albus Zuieuw (eel rice); Macrotema caligans Cannot (eel time / sea) So there is an eel type 3 (three) types namely swamp eel, rice eel and eel time / sea. However, eels are frequently encountered type is the type of eel fields. 4. BENEFITS Benefits of eel are: 1) As the supply of animal protein. 2) As a fulfillment of daily needs. 3) As the blood booster medicine. 5. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS 1) The climatological fish, eels do not need a climatic and geographical conditions specific. Elevation eel fish farming could be on the plains low to high plains. Similarly, humidity and rainfall rain there is no specific limitation. 2) Water quality for maintenance of eels should be clean, not too muddy and not contaminated with toxic chemicals, and oil / waste plant. Soil conditions of the pond is not toxic. 3) The temperature of the air / eel untukpertumbuhan optimum temperatures ranging from 25-31 degrees C. 4) In principle, the condition of water is water that is clean and rich in osigen especially for seedlings / seeds are still small is the size of 1-2 cm. As for the subsequent development of adult eels do not select water quality and can live in turbid waters. 6. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING 6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment 1) Please note that this type of pond fish culture must be distinguished eel among others: the main pool / pond spawning, nursery pond (for seed eels measuring 1-2 cm), juvenile eel ponds (for eel size 3-5 cm) and pool maintenance eel consumption (divided into 2 stages each required a period of 2 months), namely for the maintenance of eel size of 5-8 cm until the size of 15-20 cm and for maintenance eels with size up to a size 15-20 cm 30-40 cm. 2) Building the kinds of eel swimming in general is relatively similar only differentiated by size, capacity and carrying capacity of eel itself. 3) Size 6 ekor/m2 pond capacity. For nursery ponds (Eel size 1-2 cm) 500 ekor/m2 its maximum capacity. For the eel pond teens (size 2-5 cm) 250 ekor/m2 its maximum capacity. And to pool The first stage of eel consumption (size 5-8 cm) maximum capacity 100 ekor/m2. As well as swimming eel consumption second stage (size 15-20cm) power 50 ekor/m2 maximum capacity, to long-sized eel harvesting later 30-50 cm. 4) Making a swimming eel with materials like brick walls / cemented and do not have taped the primary vessel. 5) Other equipment form the basis of the media pool, water resources are always there, capture the necessary tools, plastic buckets and tools other. 6) The media pool base consists of organic materials such as fertilizers cage, rice husks and rice straw. The way the pool is still empty for the first layer of rice husks are thick as 10 cm, piled on top with manure as thick as 10 cm, and above it again backfilled with ties of dry straw or hay. After the piles of materials organic completed (all about 30 cm thick), acting water flowed into the pond slowly to a height of 50 cm (organic matter + Water). Thus the basic media pool has been completed, live media was allowed some time for up to a mud field. After that eel-eel was launched into the pool. 6.2. Preparation of Seeds 1) Preparing Seeds a. Children who are ready eels reared intensively are measuring 5-8 cm. To looking for 4 months in 2 stages with each of its stages for 2 months. b) Seeds can be obtained from the bath / pond nurseries or seed can also obtained from the nests of seed that exist in nature. c. Selection of seedlings can be obtained from farm ponds or spawning. Usually, the spawning eels are eel-sized female ± 30 cm and eel-sized male ± 40 cm. d. Spawning done in the pool with a capacity of one fish spawning males with two females to the pool area of 1 m2. Left spawning lasts approximately 10 days of new eel fish eggs hatch. And 5-8 days after hatching age with child size eel ranged from 1.5 to 2.5 cm. In this size eels immediately taken to placed in the pool of candidates nursery seed / candidate seedlings. Children eel with such measures mentioned above immediately placed in the pool nursery seedlings candidate for ± 1 (one) month until the child eel The size of 5-8 cm. With this size the child can eel maintained in a swimming eel for consumption for two months or four months. 2) The treatment and seed treatment From the results of eel spawning child accommodated in the pool of candidates seed nursery for 1 month. In this case the seed is treated with as carefully as possible for not much missing. With clean water and better again when the water flow. 6.3. Maintenance Enlargement 1) Fertilization Decomposed straw is needed to establish that pelumpuran fertile and manure are also required as one of the organic material main. 2) Providing food If needed could be given additional food in the form of worms, cockroaches, caterpillars large (maggots) given every 10 days. 3) Giving Vaccinations 4) Ponds and Pond Maintenance To note the maintenance is to maintain a swimming eel for there is no interference from the outside and the pool was not poisonous. 7. PEST AND DISEASE 7.1. Pest 1) Pests in the eel is a high-level animals directly interfere eel life. 2) In the wild and in open ponds, which often attacks the eel pest include: beaver, snakes, frogs, birds, insects, raccoons and water cork fish. 3) In the yard, especially in urban areas, pests are often attacking only the frogs and cats. Maintenance intensive eel not many pests. 7.2. Disease Common disease attack is a disease caused by low-level organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa small. 8. HARVEST Harvesting eels are 2 types, namely: 1) Form of seeds / seedlings are sold to bred / grown. 2) Represent the final result of maintenance eels ready for sale for consumption (Size / length is in accordance with market demand / consumer). Catching eels the same way as other fishing equipment include: bubu / posong, net / mesh soft-edged, with a fishing rod or hook and draining the pool water so that live eels taken alone. 9. Postharvest On the maintenance of commercial eel and in large numbers, post-harvest handling needs serious attention. This is so eels can be accepted by the consumer in good quality, so that has a wide marketing network. 10. RAISING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Business 10.1.Analisis Cultivation Approximate analysis of eel for 3 months in the area of West Java in 1999 are as follows: 1) Production Costs a. Making ground pool 2 x 3 x 1, 4 HOK@Rp.7.000, - USD. 28 000, - b. Seeds 3000 tail x @ Rp. 750, - USD. 225.000, - c. Additional food (meat rabbits 3 heads) @ 15,000,-Rp. 45,000, - d. Other USD. 30.000, - Total Production Cost USD. 328 000, - 2) Revenues: 3000 tail = 300 kg x @ Rp. 2500, - USD. 750.000 3) Advantages USD. 422 000, - 4) Feasibility Parameter 2.28 10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunities Eel aquaculture, either in hatchery and rearing have a good prospect. Consumer demand for the existence of eel fish is increasing. With proper maintenance techniques, then will obtain a satisfactory result of conducting and consumer demand. 11. REFERENCES 1) Satwono, B. 1999. Raising eels and Tidar. Self-Publisher Sower (Members IKAPI). Jakarta. 2) Ronni Hendrik S. 1999. Eel cultivation. Publisher Bhratara, Jakarta 12. CONTACT RELATIONS Rural Community Economic Development Project - BAPPENAS; Coconut Jl.Sunda No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829 Jakarta, March 2000 Source: Rural Community Economic Development Project, Bappenas
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