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Thursday, March 17, 2011

purification with Moringa seeds

Posted by world window On 7:09 AM No comments

Appropriate technology, to quote from wikipedia, is a technology appropriate to developing countries or regions that are remote and backward in industrialized countries, which is probably short of money and lack the ability to operate and maintain high technology. In practice is something that is described as a technology that is simple and mostly as a technology that can effectively start to reach the intended destination.
Characteristics of this technology is low cost and require little maintenance. The more often it can be said of appropriate maintenance, when maintenance can be handled by existing local expertise, equipment, and materials. Just called efficient when using technology that can be repaired locally.
On the other side of appropriate technology is seen as a technology that can match more than one or more specific use, especially the local used by members of a particular community. An example is the use directly from solar energy in India. Community of Auroville in Pondicherry India, has posted a "Solar Bowl" are great, used as solar energy cookers. Used in a place that has a climate that allows the sun shining brightly.
Appropriate technology does not mean low technology. The use of light from the LED lamps can sometimes be used in remote areas where energy needs are so few that LEDs can save energy.
By prioritizing a low cost, fossil fuel use that bit, and use local resources to provide the benefits of sustainability.
Water treatment
Water and its sources is one of the natural wealth that is absolutely needed by living things in order to sustain their survival and maintain their health. The water that fills more than two-thirds of the entire earth's surface, giving place to live is 300 times larger than the mainland, but most of the water can not be directly used for the benefit of living creatures. Only 1% of the benefits of water that can be used as clean water, to be a water / drinking water should have a technology.
The technology applied, starting from raw water collection, water treatment to be highly dependent water quality of raw water sources, and then through the distribution system through the piping to the service area.
Water Treatment performed on the raw water which is essentially not meet drinking water quality standards / net in force, so that the elements that do not meet the standard needs to be eliminated or reduced, so that all water meets applicable standards. This is done with water treatment. Technology for water treatment is highly dependent on the source of raw water to the water quality of all kinds to be processed.
The centers of urban water treatment plants or municipal water treatment with large-scale water processing by adding a chemical compound penggumpal (coagulants) into the dirty water to be treated. In this way particles in the water will become a mass greater then had ngendap. Just then the water at the top of the net are separated to be used everyday purposes. However, good chemical penggumpal not easily found in many remote areas. Even if there is definitely the price is not affordable by the local community.
One alternative is the use of locally available natural coagulants from plants that probably can be found all around us. Research from the Environmental Engineering Group at the University of Leicester, England, has long studied the potential use of various natural coagulant in water treatment processes of small scale, medium, and besar.Penelitian they concentrated on the coagulant potential of Moringa oleifera plant seed flour. Plants are widely grown in northern India, but now has spread everywhere throughout the tropics, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, these plants are known as moringa plant with tiny leaves.
Moringa oleifera
Synonym: Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn.
Local Name:
Moringa (Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese, Bali, Lampung), Kerol (Buru); Marangghi (Madura), Moltong (Flores), Kelo (Gorontalo); Keloro (Bugis), Kawano (Sumba), Ongge (Bima); Hau fo (East).
Plants are also known as plant "drumstick" because it forms an elongated fruit pod, although there is also a mention as "horseradish" because its root resembles a sense of "radish".
Moringa (moringa oliefera) including clump plant type which can have ketingginan rod 7 -11 meters. In Java, Kelor often utilized as a fence because of nutritious crops to pharmaceuticals. Kelor tree is not too big. Trunk wood is brittle (easily broken) and its branches are rarely but has strong roots. Main stem gray. Oval-shaped leaves with small size in a single stalk composite compound. Moringa can breed well in areas that have a height of 300-500 meters above the ground surface. Its flower is white yellowish midrib hood brass and green flowers. Moringa flowers come out all year with fragrant scent. Moringa Fruit is triangular elongated called klentang (Java). The fruit is also shaped kekacang green long and hard and measuring 120 cm long. Who's the sap that has turned a brown color called blendok (Java).
Moringa Phon
Moringa Moringa cultivation or require very minimal maintenance and can withstand long dry season. Fast growing to a height of 4-10 meters, flowering, and produce fruit in just 1 year after planting. The plants grow rapidly both from seeds or from cuttings, even when he planted on barren land that is not fertile. So good when developed in critical lands that experienced a long drought season.
Water purification
Moringa seeds are left to mature or old and new trees are harvested after dry. The wings are lightweight seeds and skin of the seeds easily separated so that leaves a white seed. If too dry on the tree, seed pods will burst and the seeds can float "fly" everywhere.
Not skinned seed was then crushed and ground into powder that can be generated Moringa seed powder. Number of moringa seed powder moringa or necessary for the cleaning of water for domestic purposes depends largely on how much dirt contained therein. To handle as many as 20 liters of water (1 jerry cans), required number of moringa seed powder 2 grams or approximately 2 teaspoons (5 ml).
Add a little water into the seed powder so that it becomes a paste. Put the pasta into a clean bottle and add to it one cup (200 ml) more water, and shake for five minutes until the mix is ​​perfect. That way, there was the activity of chemical compounds contained in moringa seed powder.
Strain the solution that has been mixed with a coagulant moringa seeds through gauze and the filtrate is put into water of 20 liters (jerry cans) which had been prepared earlier, and then stirred slowly for 10-15 minutes.
During the stirring, grain seed that has been dissolved will be binding and agglomerate solid particles in water with microbes and germs contained in it to form larger clumps that will settle easily sink to the bottom of the water. After one hour, clean water can be sucked out for the family.
Efficiency of process
The cleaning process according to research results that have been reported capable of producing extraordinary bacteria, as many as 90 to 99.9% are attached to the solid particles, as well as clear water, which is relatively safe (for all-round condition limitations) and can be used as water drink the local community.
However, some microbial pathogens there are still opportunities remain in the water could not be deposited, especially if the water has been polluted by heavy initially. Ideally for drinking water needs appropriate, further refining still needs to be done, either by cooking or by filtering with a simple means of sand filtration. Book

1. FG Winarno, Senior scientist M-Brio Biotekindo, Professor of Biotechnology Atma Jaya Catholic University, Seeds of Kelor For Clean Water River, Compass, http://www.ampl.or.id/wawasan/wawasan-isi-pustaka.php?kode = 21
2. Science and Technology - Apji, control room Kelor With Seeds (Moringa oleifera) http://iptek.apjii.or.id/pengelolaan% 20air% 20 &% 20sanitasi/PIWP/penjernihan_air_biji_kelor.html
3. IPTEKnet, 2005, PLANT MEDICINE INDONESIA, Kelor (Moringa oleifera, Lamk.) Http://www.iptek.net.id/ind/pd_tanobat/view.php?id=144
4. Moringa oleifera, http://www.prn2.usm.my/mainsite/plant/moringa.html
5. PUSKIM, Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with Kelor and Tree Seeds Kelor http://www.kimpraswil.go.id/balitbang/puskim/protek_kim/ttg_kim_270701/ttg_kim_ispadbk.htm
6. PUSKIM, Technology Couple Bricks - Clean Water Technology, http://www.kimpraswil.go.id/balitbang/puskim/Homepage% 20Modul% 202003/modulc2/Modul% 20Air% 20Bersih.pdf
7. Simple, Appropriate Technology, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appropriate_technology


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