Energy problem is one important issue that is being much talked about. Decreasing availability of energy sources, finding new energy sources, developing alternative energies, and the impact of energy use of petroleum on the environment into the themes of the interesting and much discussed. Global warming is believed to occur and will enter the stage of concern mentioned is the impact of energy use of petroleum which is the main energy source at this time.
The environmental impact and decreasing availability of petroleum energy resources force us to seek and develop new energy sources. One alternative source of potential new energy coming from nuclear energy. Although the impact and dangers posed great, can not be denied that nuclear energy is one viable alternative energy source into account.
The issue of developing nuclear energy today is around about the use of nuclear energy in the form of nuclear bombs and bad about the unfortunate collapse of the shadow of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl. These issues have formed a bad and frightening shadow of nuclear and development. In fact, the use of a wise, responsible, and control over nuclear energy to improve living standards while providing a solution to the problem of energy scarcity.
Nuclear fission
In general, nuclear energy can be produced through two kinds of mechanisms, namely the core fission or fission reaction and the incorporation of some of the core through a fusion reaction. Here will be discussed one of the mechanisms of production of nuclear energy, namely nuclear fission reactions.
A nucleus is pounded by heavy particles (eg neutrons) can be split into two lighter nuclei and some other particles. Such mechanism is called fission cores or nuclear fission. An example is the uranium fission reaction that ground (or absorb) slow neutrons.
fisi01Reaksi fission of uranium as above to produce a neutron in addition to the two lighter nuclei. These neutrons can hit the (absorbed) returned by the uranium nucleus to form the next fission. This mechanism continues to occur in a very fast form of uncontrolled chain reaction. As a result, there was a large release of energy in a short time. This mechanism occurring within the nuclear bomb that produces a powerful explosion. Thus, the fission reaction can form an uncontrollable chain reaction that has tremendous potential for explosive power and can be made in the form of a nuclear bomb.
fission chain reaction (source:
Compared formed in the form of a nuclear bomb, the release of energy produced through fission reactions can be used for things more useful. For that, a chain reaction that occurs in the fission reaction must be made more controllable. This business can be done in a nuclear reactor. Uncontrolled chain reaction may be commercialized take place in the reactor which their safety and the energy produced can be utilized for more useful purposes, such as for research and to generate electricity.

controlled fission chain reaction (source:
In a controlled fission reaction, the number of neutrons is restricted so that only one neutron that will be absorbed to the next core division. With this mechanism, obtained by controlled chain reaction that produces energy that can be exploited for useful purposes.
Nuclear Reactor
Energy produced in nuclear fission reactions can be utilized for useful purposes. For that, the reaction must take place in a controlled fission in a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor has at least four basic components, namely the fuel elements, neutron moderator, control rods, and concrete shields.
nuclear reactor scheme (source:
Fuel elements provide a source of nuclei will experience nuclear fusion. Materials commonly used as a fuel is uranium U. fuel elements can be shaped rod placed inside the reactor core.
Neutrons produced in fission of uranium is in a fairly high speed. Meanwhile, neutrons which allows the nuclear fission is a slow neutrons so that needed materials that can slow the speed of these neutrons. This function is run by a neutron moderator that is generally in the form of water. So, there is water in the reactor core that serves as moderator to slow speed of neutrons because neutrons would lose some of its energy when colliding with water molecules.
The function of controlling the number of neutrons that can produce nuclear fission chain reaction carried by the control rods. In order for a chain reaction that occurred in control where only one neutron is absorbed only to trigger the next nuclear fission, used material that can absorb the neutrons in the reactor core. Materials such as boron or cadmium rods are often used as a control because effective at absorbing neutrons.
Control rods are designed in such a way that can automatically and out of the reactor core. If the number of neutrons in the reactor core exceeds the amount allowable (critical condition), then the control rod is inserted into the reactor core to absorb some neutrons to achieve a critical condition. Control rods will be removed from the reactor core if the number of neutrons under critical conditions (deficiency of neutrons), to restore conditions to critical conditions permitted.
Radiation generated in the division process of atomic nuclei or nuclear fission can endanger the environment surrounding the reactors. It needs a protector around a nuclear reactor for radiation from radioactive substances in the reactor does not spread into the environment surrounding the reactors. This function is performed by a shield made of concrete surrounding the reactor core. Concrete is known to effectively absorb the radiation beam so that the radioactive substance used as shielding material.
Nuclear Power
The energy produced from controlled nuclear fission reaction in a nuclear reactor can be used to generate electricity. Installation of electric energy generation of this kind is known as a nuclear power plant (NPP).
scheme of nuclear power plants (source:
The environmental impact and decreasing availability of petroleum energy resources force us to seek and develop new energy sources. One alternative source of potential new energy coming from nuclear energy. Although the impact and dangers posed great, can not be denied that nuclear energy is one viable alternative energy source into account.
The issue of developing nuclear energy today is around about the use of nuclear energy in the form of nuclear bombs and bad about the unfortunate collapse of the shadow of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl. These issues have formed a bad and frightening shadow of nuclear and development. In fact, the use of a wise, responsible, and control over nuclear energy to improve living standards while providing a solution to the problem of energy scarcity.
Nuclear fission
In general, nuclear energy can be produced through two kinds of mechanisms, namely the core fission or fission reaction and the incorporation of some of the core through a fusion reaction. Here will be discussed one of the mechanisms of production of nuclear energy, namely nuclear fission reactions.
A nucleus is pounded by heavy particles (eg neutrons) can be split into two lighter nuclei and some other particles. Such mechanism is called fission cores or nuclear fission. An example is the uranium fission reaction that ground (or absorb) slow neutrons.

fisi01Reaksi fission of uranium as above to produce a neutron in addition to the two lighter nuclei. These neutrons can hit the (absorbed) returned by the uranium nucleus to form the next fission. This mechanism continues to occur in a very fast form of uncontrolled chain reaction. As a result, there was a large release of energy in a short time. This mechanism occurring within the nuclear bomb that produces a powerful explosion. Thus, the fission reaction can form an uncontrollable chain reaction that has tremendous potential for explosive power and can be made in the form of a nuclear bomb.
fission chain reaction (source:
Compared formed in the form of a nuclear bomb, the release of energy produced through fission reactions can be used for things more useful. For that, a chain reaction that occurs in the fission reaction must be made more controllable. This business can be done in a nuclear reactor. Uncontrolled chain reaction may be commercialized take place in the reactor which their safety and the energy produced can be utilized for more useful purposes, such as for research and to generate electricity.

controlled fission chain reaction (source:
In a controlled fission reaction, the number of neutrons is restricted so that only one neutron that will be absorbed to the next core division. With this mechanism, obtained by controlled chain reaction that produces energy that can be exploited for useful purposes.
Nuclear Reactor
Energy produced in nuclear fission reactions can be utilized for useful purposes. For that, the reaction must take place in a controlled fission in a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor has at least four basic components, namely the fuel elements, neutron moderator, control rods, and concrete shields.
nuclear reactor scheme (source:
Fuel elements provide a source of nuclei will experience nuclear fusion. Materials commonly used as a fuel is uranium U. fuel elements can be shaped rod placed inside the reactor core.
Neutrons produced in fission of uranium is in a fairly high speed. Meanwhile, neutrons which allows the nuclear fission is a slow neutrons so that needed materials that can slow the speed of these neutrons. This function is run by a neutron moderator that is generally in the form of water. So, there is water in the reactor core that serves as moderator to slow speed of neutrons because neutrons would lose some of its energy when colliding with water molecules.
The function of controlling the number of neutrons that can produce nuclear fission chain reaction carried by the control rods. In order for a chain reaction that occurred in control where only one neutron is absorbed only to trigger the next nuclear fission, used material that can absorb the neutrons in the reactor core. Materials such as boron or cadmium rods are often used as a control because effective at absorbing neutrons.
Control rods are designed in such a way that can automatically and out of the reactor core. If the number of neutrons in the reactor core exceeds the amount allowable (critical condition), then the control rod is inserted into the reactor core to absorb some neutrons to achieve a critical condition. Control rods will be removed from the reactor core if the number of neutrons under critical conditions (deficiency of neutrons), to restore conditions to critical conditions permitted.
Radiation generated in the division process of atomic nuclei or nuclear fission can endanger the environment surrounding the reactors. It needs a protector around a nuclear reactor for radiation from radioactive substances in the reactor does not spread into the environment surrounding the reactors. This function is performed by a shield made of concrete surrounding the reactor core. Concrete is known to effectively absorb the radiation beam so that the radioactive substance used as shielding material.
Nuclear Power
The energy produced from controlled nuclear fission reaction in a nuclear reactor can be used to generate electricity. Installation of electric energy generation of this kind is known as a nuclear power plant (NPP).

scheme of nuclear power plants (source:
One form of nuclear reactor is a pressurized water reactor (pressurized water reactor / PWR), the schema shown in the picture. The energy produced in nuclear reactors in the form of heat or heat produced by fuel rods. Heat or hot flushed from the reactor core along the water toward the heat exchanger (heat exchanger). Here the steam is separated from water and flowed into the turbine to drive turbines to produce electricity, while water is cooled and pumped back into reactor. Steam cold water that flows out after passing through the turbine is pumped back into the reactors.
To keep the water in the reactor (which is at a temperature of 300oC) does not boil (water boils at 100oC temperature and pressure of 1 atm), water is maintained in the high pressure of 160 atm. No wonder if the reactor is called pressurized water reactors.
To keep the water in the reactor (which is at a temperature of 300oC) does not boil (water boils at 100oC temperature and pressure of 1 atm), water is maintained in the high pressure of 160 atm. No wonder if the reactor is called pressurized water reactors.
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