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Friday, March 18, 2011

smoking and health

Posted by world window On 1:48 PM No comments

SMOKING interfere with health, the fact is we can not deny. Many diseases have proven to be harmful effects of smoking, either directly or indirectly.
The smoking habit is not only detrimental to the smoker, but also for those around.
SMOKE smoke is a pollutant for humans and the environment. Not only for health, smoking also causes problems in the economic field. In industrialized countries, now there is a tendency to quit smoking, while in developing countries, particularly Indonesia, instead tend to arise increased smoking habits.
Through resolution 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set 31 May as World Tobacco Free Day every year.
WHO report in 1983 stated, the number of smokers increased by 2.1 percent per year in developing countries, while in developed countries this figure decreased by around 1.1 percent per year.
Studies in Jakarta showed that 64.8 percent of men and 9.8 percent of women with age above 13 years are smokers. In fact, the adolescent group, 49 percent of male students and 8.8 percent of female students in Jakarta has been smoking.
Study in Semarang in 1973 by Prof. Boedi Darmojo get smoking prevalence at 96.1 percent of the pedicab drivers, 79.8 percent of the paramedics, 51.9 percent of civil servants, and 36.8 percent physician.
In a study conducted by Prof. Soesmalijah Soewondo from the Faculty of Psychology UI, which asked the number of people who do not stop smoking-derived answer that when not smoking, will be hard to concentrate, anxiety, and even can become obese, whereas when smoke, will feel more mature and able to arise the ideas or inspiration. Psychological factors and this is what a lot of physiological influence of smoking habits in the community.
Cigarette smoke contains a smoker who inhaled the gas and particle components. Particles released during smoking as much as 5 x 109 pp. Gas component comprises carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbon compounds. The particle component consisting of tar, nicotine, benzopiren, phenol, and cadmium.
Impact of lung Smoking can cause changes in the structure and function of airway and lung tissue. In large airways, mucous cells enlarge (hypertrophy) and mucus gland multiply (hyperplasia). In small airways, there was mild inflammation due to increased cell constriction and mucus buildup. In lung tissue, an increase in the number of inflammatory cells and damage to the alveoli.
Due to changes in the anatomy of the airways, in smokers there will be changes in lung function with all kinds of clinical symptoms. This became the main basis of the occurrence of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (PPOM).
It says smoking is the leading cause of occurrence of PPOM, including pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.
The relationship between smoking and lung cancer have been studied in 4-5 decades. Found a strong association between cigarette smoking, particularly cigarettes, with the incidence of lung cancer. Some even expressly stated that the cigarettes as the main cause of lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke particles, such as benzopiren, dibenzopiren, and urethane, known as a carcinogen. Tar is also associated with risk of cancer. Compared with nonsmokers, the possibility arises of lung cancer in smokers reach 10-30 times more frequently.
The impact on the heart Many studies have shown a link smoking with coronary heart disease (CHD). Of the 11 million deaths per year in industrialized countries, the WHO reports that more than half (6 million) due to blood circulation disorders, in which 2.5 million are coronary heart disease and 1.5 million are stroke. MOH survey in 1986 and 1992, have increased mortality from heart disease from 9.7 percent (ranked third) to 16 percent (ranked first).
Smoking is a major factor causing the heart blood vessel disease. Not just cause of coronary heart disease, smoking is also bad for the brain and peripheral blood vessels.
Diembuskan smoke smokers smoke can be divided into primary (main stream smoke) and smoke the side (side stream smoke). The main smoke is tobacco smoke is inhaled directly by smokers, while the next smoke is tobacco smoke spread into the free air, which would be inhaled by another person or passive smoking.
It has been found 4000 different chemicals in cigarettes, with 40 species of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer), in which the toxic material is mostly found on the side smoke such as carbon monoxide (CO) 5 times more common in addition to smoke than The main smoke, benzopiren 3 times, and ammonia 50 times. These materials can last up to several hours in a room after smoking stops.
Generally the focus of research aimed at the role of nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both these materials, in addition to increased oxygen demand, also disrupt the oxygen supply to the heart muscle (myocardium) to the detriment of myocardial work.
Nicotine interfere with the sympathetic nervous system due to increased myocardial oxygen demand. Besides causing addiction of smoking, nicotine also stimulates the release of adrenaline, increased heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac oxygen demand, and cause heart rhythm disturbances. Nicotine also affect the nerves, brain, and many other body parts.
Nicotine activate platelets, with the consequent emergence of platelet adhesion (clotting) into the blood vessel wall.
Carbon monoxide causes desaturasi hemoglobin, reducing the direct supply of oxygen to tissues throughout the body including the myocardium. CO replaces the oxygen in hemoglobin, interfering with the release of oxygen, and accelerated atherosclerosis (calcification / thickening of artery walls). Thus, CO reduce physical exercise capacity, increased blood viscosity, making it easier for blood clotting.
Nicotine, CO, and other materials found in cigarette smoke damage the endothelium (inner wall of blood vessels), and facilitate the emergence of blood clotting.
In addition, cigarette smoke affect the lipid profile. Compared with nonsmokers, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride blood of smokers is higher, whereas HDL cholesterol is lower.
Coronary heart disease Smoking is proven to be the biggest risk factor for sudden death. The risk of coronary heart disease increased by 2-4 times in smokers compared with nonsmokers. This risk increases with age and number of cigarettes smoked. Research shows that smoking risk factors work synergistically with other factors, such as hypertension, fat content or high blood sugar, on the outbreak of CHD.
Please note that the risk of death from coronary heart disease decreases by 50 percent in the first year after smoking was stopped.
As a result of clotting (thrombosis) and calcification (atherosclerosis), blood vessel walls, smoking would obviously damage the blood vessels peripheral.
PPDP involving the arteries and veins in the leg or arm is often found in young adult heavy smoker, often will end up with amputation.
Disease (stroke) Blockage of blood vessels of the brain that are sudden or stroke associated with smoking a lot. Risk of stroke and death risk higher in smokers compared with nonsmokers.
In a study conducted in the United States and Britain, found smoking habits increase the likelihood of the emergence of AIDS in people with HIV. In the group of smokers, AIDS arise on average in 8.17 months, whereas in the group of nonsmokers arise after 14.5 months. The decline in smokers become immune trigger more easily exposed to AIDS so that quitting smoking is important in defense measures against AIDS.
Now more and more studied and reported adverse effect of smoking on pregnant women, impotence, decreased immune individuals, including in people with viral hepatitis, gastrointestinal cancer, and others.
From the point of health economics, the impact of diseases caused by smoking would certainly add to the cost, both for individuals, families, corporations, even countries.
Diseases caused by smoking affects the provision of manpower, especially skilled workers or executive staff, with sudden death or disability arising obvious cause big losses for the company. Decrease in labor productivity raises the company's earnings decline, also the economic burden is not small for individuals and families. Expenditures for health care costs increase, families, corporations, and government.
Smoking habits It's supposed efforts to stop smoking is the duty and responsibility of all levels of society. Business information and counseling, particularly among the younger generation, can also be associated with narcotics hazard mitigation efforts, the business school health, and public health education in general.
Community role model figures, including officials, religious leaders, teachers, health workers, artists, and sportsmen, it is fitting to set an example by not smoking.
Health professions, particularly doctors, play a very important role in counseling and be an example for society. The habit of smoking in physicians must be stopped immediately. They are exemplars Important: They do what They Preach practice model.
It should also limit the opportunity to smoke in public places, schools, public transport, and workplace; regulation and control of cigarette promotional advertising; put health warnings on cigarette packs and cigarette advertising.
Climate not smoking should be created. This should be implemented simultaneously by all of us, who wants the achievement of the Indonesian nation state and a healthy and prosperous.
Hans Tandra Medicine Specialist Doctors, living in Surabaya
Source: http://www.kompas.co.id/kesehatan/news/0306/30/105012.htm


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